The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur ** Review**

GUYS! I’m so very excited to finally read Rupi Kaur’s new book. I really liked milk and honey and related to it on so many different levels. I’m not sure a lot of you guys enjoyed me breaking it up into what I liked from each chapter, so I decided to spare you guys a little bit and just want to share with you guys my favorite poems from the whole book. This one is broken up into 5 chapters! They are called wilting, falling, rooting, rising, and blooming.

So I’m going to share with you guys my top 5 favorite poems from the book itself.

Before I share the poems with you guys I’d like to talk a little bit about the book itself,  I overall wasn’t that much of a fan, but that’s possibly because I prided myself on being able to relate to milk and honey in a lot of ways. A lot of the book is very heartfelt and you can just feel the hurt on every page. I can’t even begin to relate to it, but I can feel for those that went through the same thing as her. It should come with a trigger warning, but I guess that takes away from the pain cause no one gave them one.

Although most of it had something to do with something I can’t relate too, I still found some quotes that I did really like throughout it.

The first poem I liked was on page #39

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I’m sure we’ve all liked someone who didn’t like us back.We couldn’t help but think they would change their mind so we shut everyone else that can be a potential boyfriend down.

The second poem that I liked could be found on page #54

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Why must we think of things that have ended like we could have changed something about it? I find myself looking back on a bunch of things and the way they ended, in hopes that I could possibly change the outcome. Although everything is already said and done, with me never looking back on it.

On page #64 is where my next favorite can be found

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I feel like a lot of people look to other people and blame them for stuff they should have took the blame for themselves. It’s very rare people take the blame for their own actions and try to justify that someone did something to them first or they say that someone said something to them first instead of just owning it.

The next one I enjoyed was from #82

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I know I’m guilty of not taking the time to enjoy the place that I am in before I knock it down and say that it’s horrible. It’s not only just about certain places either, I noticed that I did it in life in general which I’m sure is where Rupi Kaur is getting at. I really do need to take the time out to enjoy life and the views both good and bad. I feel like once I do that I can learn to appreciate things a lot more.

The last one was from page #85

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I’ve always been an introvert which is another thing you guys most likely don’t know about me. I feel like people always seen that as a bad thing in my life and I’ve even been told my an ex boyfriend that I’m going to die alone because of it ( there was another reason behind that as well but we’d get into it another day)I trust very few people and let my true self fully show to those few. I don’t like big groups because I feel like there is way to much going on for me to handle so I prefer more intimate settings with those I do hang out with. I’m getting better at being in larger groups, but I still do feel very overwhelmed in situations where I’d much rather be alone doing something that genuinely makes me happy.

Well there you guys have it, I hope you enjoy it and that you learned a little more about me. I really like doing book reviews for you guys cause it shows you more of what I’m interested in as a person than just make up and other things beauty related. While I enjoy those, I feel like me writing book reviews you guys learn a lot more about me and my view points. We can open up a whole giant conversation based on anything which is great so please do so down in the comments whether you have read this book or not.I’d like to hear from you guys.



* Book Review* This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp

For years I was obsessed with crime shows, ones that were unsolved or ones that drove people to do things normal people usually wouldn’t do. I was recommended by a few different people on a few different occasions since this book hit the shelves early last year. On Thursday of last week I finally decided it was time to get it and read it. I also haven’t been able to write a book review for you guys in a little while, so I felt the need to get one out.

I’m glad it didn’t take me a few chapters to get hooked, while I’m not sure if it was anticipation that got me excited or if the book itself was just that good. I don’t want to say too much cause it could just about give away the whole book and what happens. So I’m trying to be very careful with what I’m picking out for you guys to get a taste of the book.

With each and every page I find myself wanting to read more. I don’t want it to end but as my right side of the book gets smaller I know it’s bound to happen sooner rather than later. ‘ This Is Where It Ends,’ is 282 pages of heart wrenching words.

On page 49 there is a certain paragraph that spoke something. Actually there is a few that I would like to share my thoughts on.



I feel like every time this stuff happens, there is always the people there or the media to pick out a hero. I feel like this sort of offers an explanation as to why. Actually the whole book offers some explanation as to why certain things happen and how the victims feel in the slightest bit. And when everyone is right there in the auditorium they were worried about themselves and each other. I feel like people pick out a hero to take away the attention from the person who commits the act in cold blood cause they don’t need to be talked about. Sadly we all want to know the aftermath and more than half the time we just want to know why the person did what they did.

Now onto pages #109-110, the paragraph started on page 109 and it ended at the top of 110.


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I don’t have much to say about this. I just feel like this should be shared because it’s how everyone feels about the victims in these situations, as you should. They all would have been something amazing.

I tried to make note of not giving away what happens to characters, because I truly believe that you guys should read this book on your own. Or if you have already, I want to talk about it some more in the comments. But before I end this I have 2 more paragraphs I would like to share with you guys.

On page #205



I love when people are able to incorporate the book/movie title in the book/movie itself. Not to mention this is one of the most heart wrenching chapters this book has to offer.

Page #234


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This quote is just really sweet and made me smile. It’s a very cute moment in the middle of all the heart wrenching stuff.

With this I present the end. I hope you guys decide to read this and if you do please let me know. Or if you have read this book, what do you think of it? Comment down below and thank you guys so much for reading!

Milk and Honey: The Healing Review

Hey guys!  This is the final chapter and if you don’t know already it’s called the healing. As I mentioned last week the last two chapters have been my favorite cause I related to a lot of them, but I’m only going to share my absolute favorites and tell you a little bit of a reason as to why I enjoy them.



I love feeling things whether it be love, pain, sadness. It makes me know the balance of what makes me happy, what hurts me, or what I shouldn’t do anymore.



I always had a problem with going back to people once they hurt me because I felt the need to make things right all the time. But when it came to relationships and friendships I learned that somethings as well as some people just need to be let go. That it’s perfectly okay to not go back to certain people and the situation if I don’t feel comfortable enough to do so.



Its crazy how much I see people taking things and others for granted or expecting to be given something from someone at all times. I think things need to be taken away from you for you to appreciate everything you have or everything that is being given to you. You should never expect anything from anyone, but when they do give you things you should always be grateful for each and everything no matter how you feel about it.



I can’t stress the feelings I have about this enough. It brings back to one of the relationships that I had and where it currently stands. I wanted an apology or something for so long but it never came and now all of a sudden recently I’m being told by our mutual friends that he’s always wanted to apologize but is afraid too. But here’s the thing if this person truly knew me for as long as we’ve known each other, he’d know that no one should ever be afraid to apologize to me or talk to me. I will literally talk to anyone despite my feelings on them or whatever we are going through.  I never turn my back to anyone. But the fact he can talk about an apology to everybody else but can’t talk to me about it makes me realize that when the apology does come it’s not something I want to or need to hear anymore. There was a time and a place for it and the time ran out.



I posted this on my instagram the moment I read it because I loved it so much. There really is no explanation as to why I like it so much. Just read the words and that’s why  I like it so much.



I touched on how I felt about these things back on #3 and it’s the same for this one.


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This is so true! It’s sickening how much people need to put each other down in order to make themselves feel superior. I really wish people would stop that but I know that’s asking for what to much in this world today.

Well there you have it guys my final chapter review for milk and honey. I can’t believe that it’s over. I really enjoyed giving you guys an insight on my feelings in certain situations and now that this is over I’m going to work on getting the relationship posts out there and I hope you guys enjoy them. Thank you guys for sticking through this, and as always comment down below your thoughts on these poems. I look forward to hearing from you guys and if you don’t want to comment it down below but still want to talk about it you can email me through the contact page. Whatever you feel comfortable with.

Milk and Honey: The Breaking Review

Hi guys! I can’t believe that after this I only have one more chapter. I’m sorry if you felt like this was way to long or you didn’t like the breaking up of all the chapters. I think if I ever do this again for some other poetry type book that I’ll take two or more at a time depending on how many poems I like in the chapter. This one is sort of a long one the way it is, and I know the last one I liked a handful of them. I related to the final two chapters way more than the first two so I’m really excited to share these with you guys. So let’s get started.


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I love this for a few reasons but the main one is that I went through this feeling before. Where I was in a relationship with my best friend at the time and I realized that it was something we probably shouldn’t have done. But I genuinely wanted to give it a try even though afterwards it felt like it was more so the fact that we listened to our other friends who wanted us together. But he ended up being so distant when we started getting into the relationship aspect and I didn’t see the changes that were happening right before my eyes but when they happened, they stung. I was thinking about making a relationship based post on things I’ve learned so I’ll talk more about it in there.


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Once again there’s more to this in a relationship aspect of my life that I feel like would be better in another post cause I learned a lot from 2 relationships, and those things let me grow as a person and look out for things more instead of just a he or she likes me type of thing. They definitely made me more cautious when choosing certain things in my life.



All of these poems reflect aspects of the same two relationships over and over which is why I mentioned wanting to create a post or two dedicated to it. Since they were two very different types of relationships, that I hope someone would benefit something from.


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This was a very long poem that I absolutely fell in love with. It made me feel a sense of empowerment about making the choices that I did when it came to ending those relationships and moving on with my life and the things that I wanted to do.



Because honesty has and will always be the best policy no matter what. Which is one of the biggest things I’ve learned in relationships. I don’t think you should hold anything back when it comes to anything just because you want to protect something. I think you learn more about yourself and your partner that way.

Well there you have it guys. 3 down, 1 to go. I didn’t realize how much I had to talk about when it came to relationships I’ve been in and I feel like it’s something I really want to share with you guys. I hope you guys enjoy it, and as always comment down below what you think and which one you guys enjoyed.

Milk and Honey: The Loving Review

Hey guys! As I told you guys before that I was separating them into 4 different chapters, I am bringing you part 2 today. Chapter 2 is all about the loving. I didn’t really connect to that many of them in this chapter so this may be short. But I’m going to try and give you guys at least 3 of them.



I felt like this was always something I needed to do before I put myself in a relationship and stick to it. If I wasn’t happy with myself and the way things were going in my life I certainly wasn’t going to be happy with someone else who may or may not have their stuff together. People never really understood why I felt that way so recently and not when I was younger, truth is I’m still learning how to love myself. And maybe just maybe someone will come along and help with that or show me that I’ve loved myself a great amount and need to start sharing it.


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I love this so much. I don’t really have an explanation as to why I like this so much, it pretty much reflects on what I said before.


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This is the last of the loving poems that I liked. I connected to this because I went through a lot with friends and even family this year. Each time I tried to talk to someone about the way I was feeling they would play it off as I was overreacting or I was just too sensitive to certain things. They were trying to be like ” well if you did this and that it’d be fixed” when it wasn’t that simple. But once they started having the problems this year that sort of reflected what I was going through they suddenly thought it was like the end of the world.

That’s all I have for you guys for the review of the loving. I hope you guys enjoyed it. As always if you guys have read this book please let me know what your favorites were from the loving chapter of the book. Or if not and this was your first time reading a poem from the book did you relate to any of them? Thank you guys for reading!

Milk And Honey: The Hurting Review

Milk and Honey is a ‘poetry’ book that’s divided into 4 chapters. So what I decided to do was take my favorites from each one as well as talk about what I thought of each chapter. To save this from being an extra long post I figured I would break it up into 4 separate parts that I’ll publish every Thursday over the next couple of weeks. I don’t really consider this poetry, I mean it is in some ways. But it just seems more like someone ripped pages out of a diary and placed line breaks. Which I don’t see a problem with, I actually enjoyed it. I felt like it gave it more of a raw emotion feel too it. This book focuses on a bunch of different feelings and purpose. It deals with healing, abuse, femininity, loss,love, and trauma. A lot of people can take feelings from this book and connect them to a time in their life when they felt certain ways or dealt with certain things.

I’m going to share with you the ones that I took something away from, and give you a little insight on why I took something away. So in a way you’re learning more about me as well.



My whole life I was told to be kind to people even when they weren’t kind to me cause you never know what anyone is going through in their life at that moment. And one small kind gesture can change the way the day goes. It was always common courtesy.


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Another thing I was told my whole life was to speak up or I was going to get walked all over. But whenever I spoke up I struggled to find the words and always got laughed at. So I stayed quiet, afraid that if I used my voice I would be shut down by the laughter or by someone who just felt the need to interrupt and shut me down completely. When we get to more parts of the poems you’ll certainly be hearing how I grew out of this and how I managed to deal with people.


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So many reasons behind this and so little words I really want to say at this moment. I don’t have a relationship with my father anymore due to his choices of words and his actions when it came to things with my sister and I. I learned that I have better people in my life who deserved my attention than someone who wasn’t going to change and continue to tear me down. Maybe someday I’ll share more.



This is the last one in the hurting chapter that I felt an deep amount for. Once again it has to deal with the people that have always interrupted by their laughter or their words. I was like that for a good majority of my life up until 2 years ago when I finally started to speak up for myself and how I felt about the way people were treating me in my life. I’ve been much happier since than cause I knew now that some people deserved my words while the others deserved my silence. I pay no mind to people who can’t build me up and who I can’t build up. I don’t need to explain myself to anyone, if I feel a certain way all that matters is that I stick to it and never let anyone persuade my decision otherwise.

Well there you have it guys! My sort of  review on first chapter of milk and honey. Did you guys read this book? Which did you connect to the most if you did? Or if this is your first time seeing any of them, do you think it’s something you want to read? Leave your comments below, and I’d love to talk about them!

Keeping The Moon / Review

This book was a breath of fresh air. Probably one of the shortest books I’ve read this year,at just 228 pages. Keeping The Moon by Sarah Dessen is a definite must read if you haven’t already. It has a young girl who is afraid to stand up for herself or see herself as someone that can be beautiful. She doesn’t have friends until she goes to live with her aunt Mira for the Summer and meets Morgan and Isabel. This book has a hint of a love story but it focuses on Colie figuring out herself and having friends that actually care about her for the firs time.I just think that’s so wonderful, it actually focuses on a characters growth and not just meeting some guy and learning about herself through him. Not to mention I absolutely love the name of the cafe she begins working at which is called Last Chance. I got some pretty good take aways from this book, and it was certainly something I needed to read when I was Colie’s age and going through some things. So now onto sharing my favorite quotes from the book.



I love this so much because I always sought out the good in people and in every situation. So this sort of makes me feel like that’s okay. That no matter what anyone else says, if I want to look for the good in situations most of the time that I can.


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I don’t really have a way to put this in words on how I feel about this except PREACH.



I love this so much just because it makes me feel all happy. That there is a song in your head that you can’t stop singing no matter how old it gets.  It’s just like friendship in some ways.


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I’ve always been a strong believer in other people can build another up. Whether it be in a small way at first and the rest you can do yourself. Or if someone has a huge impact on another and they start slow to building themselves up.

Well there you guys have it, that’s my review on Sarah Dessen’s book ‘ Keeping The Moon’ and my top 4 favorite quotes from it. I began to read a new book recently so I’m hoping to post about it really soon. xx, Katilyn

It’s Kind Of A Funny Story


At first I was not a fan of this book, I was trying to figure out why everyone was telling me that if I liked certain books that I would love this one as well. Than Chapter 11 happened, and while I’m quite not finished with the book ( I still have a few more chapters to go) I’m in love. It’s no secret that 9 times out of 10 when a book deals with topics people rarely talk about besides when something actually does happen that I enjoy it. I started this book a year ago and kept setting it down to read a different one, but something told me that I need to give this book another go.

The first line of a book is something that catches your eye and it’s supposed to set the mood on how you’re going to be feeling about everything else when it comes to the book. I didn’t know why this book was different at first though. The opening line caught my caught but as the story went on I just got bored. Maybe it was because it was just a little back story and leading up to the actual good parts. I don’t know what it was but when Chapter 11 hit I just kept on reading and reading. I didn’t want to put the book down. I still don’t. But sadly things get in the way and I have no choice but to put it down.

I guess I should start by saying that Craig is a realist in a way even though he doesn’t really know how to deal with certain things. It’s just that the way he says things or the way the author expresses Craig’s feelings on paper. There is something about a lot of these characters, you find yourself in them one way or another and it’s the most amazing feeling in the world. Sometimes you find inner strength through characters when they find their own. That’s something that brought my attention to books in the first place. Of course there’s the people that introduced me to them and told me all the things to love about them. But just like in real life, no one can tell you how to love something or someone.

I’m currently on chapter 23 and I am reading it as I get the time to throughout the day and this weekend. I would like to have it finished by sometime next week and I’m sure that I’ll have a lot more to say about it. So maybe I’ll do a week in review of what books I finished reading Sarah Dessen’s newer book before I decided to give ‘It’s Kind Of A Funny Story’ another try.

So what about you guys? Have you read this book?If so, was it easier for you to get into right off the bat or was it slow to get into for you as well?